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Be brave and make migraine the number 1 issue to decide your vote

For most people who live with migraine, asking for help is not something we are good at. 

We have been told our entire lives that it's "just migraine", "normal", or to "suck it up". 

We have been called weak. Lazy. Drug seekers. Hypochondriacs. Emotional. Whingers. Attention seekers. Hormonal. Drama queens. Liars.

We have been judged as bad employees always chucking sickies. Bad parents always abandoning their kids. 

And we have been taught to hide the pain and distress, mask how crap we feel, and not complain about anything. We don't ask for help.

The migraine revolution is our moment to change that. 

We don't have to live like this anymore, and we do have the power to change things.

We need to change

The science is now very clear. We weren't making it up, we weren't exaggerating, migraine is debilitating. And it's not just a headache, it is a very complex sensory processing disorder. We were right, and the science now has our backs. 

So while we adjust to this new understanding of our disorder, and embrace the new treatments that have so fundamentally changed our lives, we also need to change the way we think and talk about migraine, and push ourselves to do that which we have spent a lifetime avoiding - ask for help. 

We need big system changes to enable us to make the most of the migraine revolution. We need everyone to have access to the new medications, and everyone to have better access to health and other supports so we can get our lives back.

Politicians can't help unless we ask for help 

And we need our leaders to set the standard for not dismissing and ignoring migraine, and send the signal to everyone else in the country that they need to change the way they think about migraine. 

Politicians aren't any different to other people, but the can't do their job of making things better if they don't know what's wrong. In order for them to help, you have to ask them for help and tell them what you need. 

So if you're brave, and want to make a bigger change, give migraine your vote. 

Vote 1 Migraine

By that we mean make migraine the number 1 thing you decide your vote on in the upcoming federal election

Actively ask both current politicians, and candidates in the upcoming election, what they're going to do to give migraine a break. 

Tell them that if they want your vote, they need to do more for migraine. They need to give us our fair share of health services and support, and stop ignoring us. 

And if they won't give migraine a break, then they don't get your vote. Full stop.  

Give migraine your vote, and together we can make managing migraine a priority for the country. 

Start today

Send your local MP or candidates an email, post on their socials, talk to them in person - whatever you are comfortable with. Tell them that you are giving your vote to migraine, and if they want your vote then they need to give migraine a break. 

You can also ask your friends and family to support you by giving migraine their vote too. 

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